Sarasota, FL office ranks third statewide as CRE advisors thrive in uncertain times

Sarasota, Florida (Feb. 22, 2020)SVN Commercial Advisory Group has ranked third in total volume among the 20 SVN Florida CRE locations, with two advisors receiving Achiever designations for 2020.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown that hurt so many businesses in 2020, SVN’s advisors in Florida posted a strong year. This is an estimated 11 percent over last year’s $1.1 billion in total volume.

“It’s amazing that during a time marked by financial hardship for businesses, we have so many people who excelled and gave our offices such a solid year,” said Matt Christian, Managing Director of SVN Commercial Advisory Group.

SVN advisors in the Sunshine State had a strong showing this year nationwide, with 10 in the top 50 and 19 in the top 100. Two Florida offices made the top 10, with SVN Commercial Advisory Group coming in at No. 12.

Tony Veldkamp, CCIM, a senior advisor, ranked 13th on the annual list of Florida advisors. Mike Migone, CCIM, senior investment advisor, ranked 16th. Both received the designation of Achiever, a distinction marked by an annual sales volume exceeding 8 million.

Other advisors from SVN Commercial Advisory Group who ranked in the top 100 are:

One of the factors that helped Florida CRE advisors fare so well in 2020 was the influx of business owners into the state, Christian said.

“Business owners who couldn’t make it anymore in states with strict lockdown mandates packed up and moved here, where they were freer to conduct business,” Christian said. “These migrations were an important factor in our strong numbers this year. People from states like New Jersey and New York came here looking for commercial properties and our advisors stepped in and helped them.”


Ken Zeszutko, Z Corp PR, 321-213-1818 /